Fellow Toastbusters! 

We are here with a traditional follow-up but of an exceptional meeting.

Firstly, we are excited to remind you that Toastbusters were honoured to welcome International President Richard Peck! 

Mr Peck is on the Virtual World Tour aiming at visiting 145 clubs all over the globe.  He has already been to many countries and our club was happy to pass the baton.

Secondly, probably due to Mr President's visit we have had plenty of foreign guests from all the corners of the planet. We are delighted to say hello and a huge thank you for coming to all of you, our new and seasoned friends! You all are very welcome at every meeting so don't hesitate to drop by our upcoming meetings. 


Finally, our team did their best! 

Irina Suvorova, DTM, the Toastmasters of the day set the tone for the meeting in advance by choosing a high-scaled topic - Heroes in Russian History. 

She alternated to introduce the team members and speakers by telling about historical Russian Leaders whose quotes still in concordance with the up-to-date estimations of Toastmasters and accomplished that intrinsic mission exceedingly.

We thank and congratulate the other role-takers for a great job well done: 

Timer - Denis Dementiev

Ah-counter - Anna Soltys

Quiz-Master - Danil Filonov

Grammarian - Alan Akamba

In the first part, we had 3 prepared speeches: everybody enjoyed Colm Whelan's presentation of three household names of three Irish alcoholic drinks. Now all the presentees possess comprehensive information on Guinness, Beilis and Magners - the best Irish cider. The entertaining and hands-on speech! 

Diana Robertson from the UK inspired us with her personal story of finding and struggling in one's place. 

Richard Peck, DTM, International President of Toastmasters (WOWWOWWOW, we are still excited)) delivered his speech titled - It's a small world. With his example, he explicitly demonstrated that there are no borders now, between us - people of the world! 

Larisa Zorina, DTM, the Table topic Master conducted elegantly the second part of that distinctive meeting. Although the huge amount of participants didn't allow her to interview everyone, each of us, no doubts, savoured her witty interrogations and amusing answers of the participants. 

Finally, Valeria Kholodkova, DTM (all the stars have been there with us certainly) and her team rounded up the meeting given the just but friendly evaluation of the meeting as a whole and to each speaker personally. We would like to single out the excellent performance of personal evaluators at the meeting:

Krystina Sharykina

Florian Bay

Yana Litvinova

Dear Guests and participants, especially those who have taken part in assembling the meeting, let us express our deep gratitude for your work. It was a great pleasure! Come again!