The articulate ad-libber

Time: 1 - 2 minutes

Most of the talking we do every day – simple conversation – is impromptu speaking. Yet for some members, Table Topics is the most challenging part of a Toastmasters meeting.

Table Topics continues a long-standing Toastmasters tradition – every member speaks at a meeting. But it’s about more than just carrying on an anxiety-ridden tradition.

Table Topics is about developing your ability to organize your thoughts quickly and respond to an impromptu question or topic.

Table Topics session is held by the Table Topic Master, who gives a brief description and purpose of Table Topics. Then he/she states the question or topic briefly and then call on a respondent. The participants are called on at random.

When you’re asked to respond to a topic, come up to the stage, introduce yourself (important to define the Table Topics winner at the end of the meeting) and give your response. Your speech should last for one to two minutes.


IMPORTANT! Before you start speaking, please, introduce yourself. Calling a name would be enough. This information is vital for choosing the Best Table Topics Speaker by the end of the session.

Now, take a deep breath and get ready to be remarkable!